Last week, President Barack Obama committed to pass comprehensive reform. Today there was an feature article in the Los Angeles Times about two kids from different economic backgrounds—a Latino kid from South Central and a white rich kid from La CaƱada—and how their path to college has been so different but at the same time so the same. Oh the oxymorons!
And tomorrow? Students from all over the country will be heading over to Washington D.C. for the National DREAM Act Gradtuation Day. Los Angeles and Orange County will be having their very own graduations as well. The point of these mock graduations is to show how undocumented students--AB students por favor!--are trying to do anything it takes to get out of the shadows and do something to resolve their current legal status in the country. And getting a good education in the process of course!
The main goal of these graduations is to pass the federal DREAM Act, which will allow all of these students a legal path to citizenship.
I mentioned the L.A. Times article because of its blunt look at two kids who are essentially working for the same goals, yet one of the is facing far bigger obstacles to get there. Now, I don't know if the Latino kid in the article is an AB 540 student, but judging by the nature of his "lifestyle" it is not unlike the lives of many of the undocumented students that live in this country.
"If our children don't get the world-class education they need to succeed then America will not be able to compete with other countries," Obama said during the Esperanza National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast last Firday. Well Mr. President, I hope you're closely reviewing tomorrow's mock graduations.
For AB 540 students who graduate from colleges ever year, their graduations are just that: a mockery of a flawed system that allows them to fall in love with education in elementary school, but are later told that their dreams must come to a halt because they're "different."
Obama also mentioned the stories of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor and a kid from Nicaragua who joined the service just become a citizen. Imagine if the DREAM Act passes? There will be a bunch of Sotomayores tomorrow, fighting for their humble right to dream a little dream.
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